CAGE peaks === This directory contains the CAGE peaks defined in the FANTOM5 project as a robust set, where genomic coordinates originally defined on mm9 are lifted to mm10 by liftOver tool. By following the update, their annotations are also updated - see “CAGE_peaks_annotation” directory in the parent directory. - Inquiries: - Update: 2015-09-18 initial release Data files --- - mm10_liftover_CAGE_peaks_combined_phase_1+2.bed : all lifted-over CAGE peaks using UCSC Lift-over - mm10_fair_CAGE_peaks_combined_phase1+2.bed : fairly remapped CAGE peaks. - mm10_problematic_CAGE_peaks_combined_phase1+2 : problematic CAGE peaks that were filtered out by QC - mm9_droppped_CAGE_peaks_phase1+2.bed : unmapped CAGE peaks (in mm9 coordination) Description of the columns in CAGE peaks coordinates files --- This is baed on BED9 format, where the thickStart and thickEnd position represent representative TSS positions. ( - chromosome - start of CAGE peak region - end of CAGE peak region - name (ID) of the CAGE peak - score - strand of the CAGE peak - start of the representative TSS position - end of the representative TSS position (Note: end is always start+1) - rgb string for color coding (plus or minus strand only)