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|name=maxillary prominence
|def="Continuous with the dorsal end of the mandibular arch, and growing forward from its cephalic border, is a triangular process, the maxillary process (or maxillary prominence), the ventral extremity of which is separated from the mandibular arch by a '>' shaped notch. The maxillary process forms the lateral wall and floor of the orbit, and in it are ossified the zygomatic bone and the greater part of the maxilla; it meets with the lateral nasal process, from which, however, it is separated for a time by a groove, the naso-optic furrow, that extends from the furrow encircling the eyeball to the olfactory pit. The maxillary processes ultimately fuse with the lateral nasal and globular processes, and form the lateral parts of the upper lip and the posterior boundaries of the nares. It is innervated by the maxillary nerve." [Wikipedia:Maxillary_prominence]
|synonym="maxillary process" EXACT [EHDAA2:0001070];;"maxillary process of embryo" EXACT [SCTID:346355001];;"prominentia maxilaris" RELATED LATIN [Wikipedia:Maxillary_prominence]
|def="Continuous with the dorsal end of the mandibular arch, and growing forward from its cephalic border, is a triangular process, the maxillary process (or maxillary prominence), the ventral extremity of which is separated from the mandibular arch by a '>' shaped notch. The maxillary process forms the lateral wall and floor of the orbit, and in it are ossified the zygomatic bone and the greater part of the maxilla; it meets with the lateral nasal process, from which, however, it is separated for a time by a groove, the naso-optic furrow, that extends from the furrow encircling the eyeball to the olfactory pit. The maxillary processes ultimately fuse with the lateral nasal and globular processes, and form the lateral parts of the upper lip and the posterior boundaries of the nares. It is innervated by the maxillary nerve." [Wikipedia:Maxillary_prominence]
|name=maxillary prominence
|synonym="maxillary process" EXACT [EHDAA2:0001070];;"maxillary process of embryo" EXACT [SCTID:346355001];;"prominentia maxilaris" RELATED LATIN [Wikipedia:Maxillary_prominence]

Revision as of 11:37, 12 September 2014

Name:maxillary prominence
Definition:"Continuous with the dorsal end of the mandibular arch, and growing forward from its cephalic border, is a triangular process, the maxillary process (or maxillary prominence), the ventral extremity of which is separated from the mandibular arch by a '>' shaped notch. The maxillary process forms the lateral wall and floor of the orbit, and in it are ossified the zygomatic bone and the greater part of the maxilla; it meets with the lateral nasal process, from which, however, it is separated for a time by a groove, the naso-optic furrow, that extends from the furrow encircling the eyeball to the olfactory pit. The maxillary processes ultimately fuse with the lateral nasal and globular processes, and form the lateral parts of the upper lip and the posterior boundaries of the nares. It is innervated by the maxillary nerve." [Wikipedia:Maxillary_prominence]

[ Gray48.png Gray48.png]

Synonyms: "maxillary process" EXACT [EHDAA2:0001070]
"maxillary process of embryo" EXACT [SCTID:346355001]
"prominentia maxilaris" RELATED LATIN [Wikipedia:Maxillary_prominence]

Ontology association<br>Each term has an is_a parent in the Uberon Ontology, which has a linkage to an another entity and FANTOM5 samples.Libraries were grouped into mutually exclusive facets according to the FANTOM5 sample ontology mapping to UBERON ontologies.<br><br>link to ontology dataset<br>data


is_a:UBERON:0005423(developing anatomical structure)
develops_from:UBERON:0007238(1st arch maxillary component)


part of:UBERON:0009526 (maxillary process mesenchyme)

Ontology Tree: Loaded from BioPortal

Ontorolgy tree(Small window open)

FF samples<br>It includes FANTOM5 samples that overlay the Uberon ontology

Enrichment analysis: top 100 FFCP enriched with this ontology term TOP 100 FANTOM5 Cage Peaks enriched with UBERON:0005868 (maxillary prominence), sorted by p-values <br>Analyst: Hideya Kawaji<br><br>link to source dataset <br>human : data <br>mouse : data