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Name:Rat Mesenchymal stem cells - bone marrow derived, donor3
Species:Rattus norvegicus
Library ID:CNhs11313
Sample type:primary cells
ZENBU report :link
Additional information
Sample information
strainSprague Dawley
tissuebone marrow
dev stageadult
cell typemesenchymal stem cell
cell lineNA
companyCell Applications
collaborationFANTOM5 OSC CORE (contact: Al Forrest)
External link for information[{{{sample_info_link}}} {{{sample_info_link}}}]
RNA information
lot number2440
catalog numbercustom
sample typetotal RNA
extraction protocol (Details)OP-RNA-extraction-totalRNA-TRIzol-isopropanol-v1.0

CAGE Accession numbers
MethodSample accession id
rat_CAGE  SAMD00053798
CollapseLibrary accession numbers

Library idMethodExp. accession idRun accession id
CNhs11313 rat_CAGE DRX057320 DRR063079
CollapseAccession ID

Library idBAMCTSS
CNhs11313 DRZ007619 DRZ007632

FANTOM5 (FF) ontology

Direct parent terms

Ancestor terms (non development)<b>Summary:</b>Connected ontology terms with is_a, part_of or located_in relationship <br><b>Analyst:</b> Hideya Kawaji<br><br>link to source data<br>data

CL: Cell type
0000000 (cell), 0000000 (cell)
0000003 (native cell)
0000723 (somatic stem cell)
0000048 (multi fate stem cell)
0000548 (animal cell)
0002320 (connective tissue cell)
0002371 (somatic cell)
0000219 (motile cell)
0000134 (mesenchymal cell)
0000255 (eukaryotic cell)
0000034 (stem cell)
0002092 (bone marrow cell)
0002540 (mesenchymal stem cell of the bone marrow)

UBERON: Anatomy
0000468 (multi-cellular organism)
0002371 (bone marrow)
0001474 (bone element)
0002384 (connective tissue)
0000479 (tissue)
0000062 (organ)
0004120 (mesoderm-derived structure)
0000061 (anatomical structure)
0000465 (material anatomical entity)
0000467 (anatomical system)
0001062 (anatomical entity)
0000480 (anatomical group)
0004765 (skeletal element)
0010317 (germ layer / neural crest derived structure)
0002204 (musculoskeletal system)
0001434 (skeletal system)
0002390 (hematopoietic system)
0002193 (hemolymphoid system)
0002405 (immune system)

0000102 (sample by type)
0000002 (in vivo cell sample)
0000101 (sample by species)
0000001 (sample)
0000147 (rat sample)
0000149 (rat mesenchymal bone cell)

Ancestor terms (development)<b>Summary:</b>Connected ontology terms with develops_from, derives_from or preceded_by relationship <br><b>Analyst:</b> Hideya Kawaji <br><br>link to source data<br>data
CL:0000134 (mesenchymal cell)